#!/usr/bin/perl # Import modules of interst. use CGI qw/:standard :html3 :netscape/; use Msql; # print out the HTML HEAD section print header, start_html( -author=>'webmaster@graphics-muse.org', -title=>'My Little Tools', -bgcolor=>'#FFFFFF', -text=>'#000000' ); # Open the Msql connections and select the databases of interest. my $dbh1 = Msql->connect(); $dbh1->selectdb('tools'); my $sth = $dbh1->query("SELECT * from tools"); my @rows; my @result; while (@result = $sth->fetchrow) { push( @rows, td({-align=>'CENTER', -valign=>'CENTER'}, $result[1])); } my $tools_list = table( {-border=>1, -cellpadding=>'1', -cellspacing=>'5'}, Tr(@rows) ); # Now print the complete table print center( table( {-border=>1, -width=>'100%', -cellpadding=>1, -cellspacing=>5}, Tr( td({-align=>'CENTER', -valign=>'CENTER'}, $tools_list), ) ) ); # End of HTML output. print end_html;